Letter to President Joe Biden
Dear President Joe Biden,
1. Recently we started this group - www.MeTooChildrensRights.org2. Public service places extraordinary demands on your time and health. I pray for your health and success. 3. President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland, - if your names ever go down in history, it will be (among many others) for this act, that together, you took on the biggest child predator Mafia in human history. And if ever there was a time, or there will be a time, when this is possible - it is "now" with the three of you. 4. I began writing this letter before Thanksgiving 2020 (26 Nov 2020). I write this on behalf of millions of victims - children and parents, who are enduring "Living Hell on Earth", at the hands of those who took an oath to "Protect and Serve".5. Through this letter I am trying to speak for every child, for every human being's right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. I am speaking for well over 20 million victims in America and well over 200 million all over the world.6. In one of the most civilized nation in the history of our planet, millions of children lose their, once in a life time opportunity, their god given right -- to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, - at the hands of those who took an oath to "Protect and Serve".7. I am writing about the number one risk, the number one threat to every child and family in America.8. I am writing about the biggest Mafia style organized crime gang in the country. So huge, deep and wide spread, that no one dares to even acknowledge it. The simple question is, for how long can we ignore this? No one can dare say, "this evil child predator virus will never effect me, hence I can look the other way!"9. Evil, Injustice, Crime and Corruption does not exist, does not stay confined and contained in a bubble. It spreads extremely rapidly everywhere - in government and outside. This has already spread far and wide. 10. Every human being has an opportunity to "Protect and Serve". 11. Every human being has a moral and legal obligation to "Protect and Serve".12. True and lasting peace, progress, prosperity is built on a foundation of Integrity. We will have true and lasting peace, progress and prosperity, - only if we are Ethical, Moral, Just and Fair in our dealings.13. With every day passing by, our nation, our planet and the human species is faced with ever increasing staggering challenges. 14. Humility is an important virtue. Every human being - even the homeless, deserve love and respect. 15. I was born in 1960. My dad was a Naval Officer. I grew up on a Naval Base in India. I graduated from the National Defense Academy - top military academy such as West Point, USMA. I served in Indian Army for over 11 years and left due to medical reasons. I did my masters from the Indian Institute of Technology, top university such as MIT or Harvard. I came to U.S., in March 1995. In May 1996 I started SpaceAge a software services firm. The business model at SpaceAge combines social work with business. I hire those out of work, train and retrain them in intellectually challenging technologies, and then we provide software development services to our clients such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, AIG, Morgan Stanley, Prudential, etc. Past 25 years I have hired and trained hundreds of software engineers - some were ex-professors of computer science, many had Ph.D., in computer science.16. As a 17-year-old, alongside my military career, I began devoting most of my leisure time to social work / community welfare work -- studying and guiding the Mental, Moral, Psychological and Intellectual development of children and adults. This work involved developing human potential, creating an awareness and concern for key challenges facing the human species - degradation of the human mind (moral values) and degradation of the environment (climate change, pollution, population, etc.). I think such work would be done by a Psychologist after having a Ph.D., and how many would actually do such work.17. In my teenage years (1970's), I thought the two biggest challenges facing Earth were (a) our planet's ability to support life, and, (b) the rising human population. 18. By the time I entered my 30's (age) I realized, the number one challenge facing human species is, "greed", -- lust for money and power; lack of integrity, lack of character. All other problems arise from lack of integrity, lack of humanity.19. In the final analysis, this is what a Space traveler will find written on Earth's tombstone - "Greed Destroyed Earth!"20. Every task, every challenge has a level of Importance and Priority. If someone takes away your child, then this is the number one challenge - saving our child!21. I place on your lap a very important challenge, which every one can see, yet pretend they cannot see. We have an opportunity! It can be you, or may be someday, someone will have courage and strength to rise up to this challenge. 22. As we all know (but many fail to translate into our daily life), the ultimate truth, the final truth - some day each one of us, has to leave Earth. Life is full of challenges! There is no reason, why one human being, should harm another human in any way whatsoever.23. Mark Twain summarized the entire history of human race into one single sentence: "Men are born, they make each other suffer, and they die."24. What is worse sin than rape? The answer is -- "betrayal of faith!" 25. We the people, pay taxes. We the people, should have faith in our government. Power and Money are two most powerful corrupting influences on the human soul. 26. The perfect breeding ground for evil, injustice, crime and corruption is a combination of -- Money, Power, Secrecy and lack of Accountability.27. We have group psychology, mass psychology, peer pressure. Even if we have a honest person, after he joins a group, very soon he will change for the good or worse - he will have to become part of the group and, think and act as the group does.28. Sixty years on earth, and especially past ten years I have seen with my eyes, one organization that can every easily become corrupt, evil and inhuman is -- "the government". This always has devastating consequences.29. The number one challenge, every civilized society has, and should address every day, is -- how to keep our government civilized; how to prevent crime and corruption, evil and injustice - in the government. If the government is humane and honest then it is very easy to keep every citizen humane and honest.30. I always try to Think Positive. I try to find Meaning and Purpose. I try to count my Blessings. I hate the sin, not the sinner. I accept that Life is Unfair. I accept that some people will be Evil. But we don't accept turning a blind eye to evil and injustice! We have a moral and legal duty to "Protect and Serve!" We all have a moral and legal duty, not to turn a blind eye to evil and injustice.31. We have to leave our world in a better state materially and morally than what it was when we arrived. The only living species that can set such a goal and work towards it, is the Human Species.32. We have a very serious problem which is growing every day. Our family courts have become the ultimate torture chambers and the most powerful child predators. Our family courts are one of the most evil, most cruel places on Earth. Sickeningly inhuman! Absolute ZERO Empathy! The cruelty inflicted is to a level that many qualify to be called Narcissistic Psychopaths!33. It is horrifyingly scary to see such lack of Empathy, as was displayed by Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, North Korean Dictators, etc. 34. In America, the number one threat to every child and parent is "family court". The number one predator that a parent has to protect his children from, is "family court and everyone involved with family courts".35. A family court is a place where a child will lose one or both parent, and a parent will lose his child; and one or both parents will be driven bankrupt, broke and homeless. Victims will be scarred, traumatized and stay broken for the rest of their lives - shell shocked trying to wrap their hands around - "how on earth did my government, those who took the oath to protect and serve, do this to me and to my innocent, helpless children!"36. Greed drives all this evil! Lawyers, psychologists, therapists, judges and the State illegally pockets millions of dollars -- all illegally stolen from litigants, through abuse of power.37. Vice President Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California took on large banks which offered Predatory Loans. She had courage to call such loans, "Predatory Loans". Vice President Kamala Harris will call the family court industry as -- "Child Predator Industry". All over social media several thousands of people share their gut wrenching traumatic story, how their children were kidnapped and psychologically murdered by a brutally evil Child Predator, Family Court Industry. Some are even calling this the "American Holocaust!" I humbly request let us focus on the incredibly evil, cruel, illegal acts, - not on the terminology. 38. Millions of Children all over America are victims of our Child Predator Family Courts.39. The definitions are very simple, this is not rocket science:-
(a) Kidnapping is - taking any human being away from her loved one against her wish.
(b) A Child Predator is anyone who preys on Children. Predators in Jungle and in the Human world always prey on those who are weak, who cannot defend themselves, who have no voice, who cannot speak for themselves. A Child Predator is anyone who exploits a child, abuses a child, inflicts inhumane levels of emotional and/or physical pain on a child; directly or indirectly causes incredible irreparable harm to a child. In our Family Courts, things are so bad, children are tortured and abused so much, our family courts now qualify to be reclassified as the Child Predator Industry, a Judge's chambers are torture chambers.
(c) Psychological Murder is -- kidnapping the child and then deliberately in a premeditated, well planned manner destroying the poor helpless child's love for her father and teach her to hate her father. To give an analogy - it is like, imagine the human brain is like a computer, the love the child has for her father is a software program. Psychological Murder involves destroying the program - "I Love Daddy Software" - and installing - "hate daddy software".
40. Any adult person can be kidnapped, the level of torture can be stepped up to a level such that the person will refuse to go back to his/her family, criticize and condemn his family and everyone.41. In family courts - every one makes lot of money through kidnapping and psychological murder of children. We see the deadly combination of power, greed, secrecy and absolute total lack of accountability.42. If a mom and dad walk into family court and say, "we earn the same and we agree to 50-50 parenting time, then (a) Child support is $0.00. (b) Lawyers, psychologists, therapists, judges, etc., make no money. (c) The State makes no money (through social security act title IV-D).43. When litigants come and stand in a family court, everyone's eye is on - (a) What assets do the litigants have? (b) What do they work as, what is their earning potential, how much do they make? And then judges, lawyers, psychologists, etc., all work as a well trained team to take charge, take control over the litigants, steer the case in such a direction that (i) Money is sucked out from the litigants pockets, (ii) All assets are sold/dissipated and (iii) The litigants work multiyear, year after year - feeding the feeding frenzy of this predatorial team of judges, psychologists, lawyers, etc. 44. I have seen a Piranha style feeding frenzy. The Piranha at least stops when it reaches the bone, in family court they break the bones and go for the bone marrow too! 45. Child custody, child support is the number one driver; and spousal support and equitable distribution of marital assets is the second. 46. In over 80% of the cases, children are taken away from the father because (a) This is easy to sell - "the father is bad". (b) In every conflict between a man and woman, the sympathy and support, instinctively goes to the lady. 47. The poor dads are beaten dead by an evil, cruel system. Then they call them, "dead beat dads". In 20% of the cases where mom's lose custody and have to pay child support, they too are beaten dead. But the phrase "dead beat mom", does not go well.48. Child Support is important. Parenting time is far more important. All over earth there are millions of single parents raising children without child support because the other parent is no longer on earth. Look at COVID, how many children have lost one or both parents. There is no child support, nor any support from government. The government does not even give the deceased parent's social security and Medicare benefits to the child. 49. When I decide to bring my children into this world, I rely on myself to raise them, not on child support from the other parent. Our courts should hold moms and dads to the same standard.50. In courtroom, lawyers like Tracy Julian from Law firms like Pashman Stein, go on an insane, angry rant demanding child support as if not paying child support, is the ultimate evil on earth. The same attorney, then fights tooth and nail with incredible religious fervor, to deny the child parenting time - deny the child, the love and care of the victim parent. Virtually the entire child support collected and much more, goes into the pocket of lawyers like Tracy Julian as legal fees!51. Child support is the number one way to generate revenues for lawyers, psychologists and the State. Child support award is made possible only through denying the child the love and care of the victim parent. In doing so the child is not being "supported", the child is being harmed - irreparably harmed for life! Child support is the number one, the best way to stir up multi-year litigation. The irreparable harm done to the child and victim parent is immense! Only psychopaths will inflict such incredible cruelty on innocent children and loving parents.52. We have "child financial support" and "child emotional support". Child financial support is maximized by cutting child emotional support down to zero! 53. We have thousands of Judges like Judge David B Katz all over America, who work with lawyers like Tracy Julian preying on poor, helpless, voiceless children.54. Once you are in family court you have no control over your life, the family court owns you. The silent yet deafening message loud and clear to the litigants is, "we will work you to death", i.e. suck out every penny you have earned and make you work for us multiyear. A litigant has no right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. A litigant has no right to any of his assets, current and future earnings and to his children. This is 21st century version of Slavery!55. Insurrection in Family Courts happened decades ago and everyone in government and outside works very hard to keep this as top secret.56. Judges rule from the bench. There is absolute zero accountability. You show the family court Judge an Apple and the Judge will say, "I see Cabbage". 57. There is no justice anywhere - appeals court, federal court, supreme court, ethics committee, attorney general, etc. Every one is in on it in some way shape or form. For the victim parent and child, the Law is absolutely out of reach.58. The litigation goes multiyear, the trauma of losing one's child is unbearable. Very soon, one litigant is bankrupt, can no longer afford an attorney and can no longer fight. Even if the victim parent has an attorney, the chances are one in a million that the attorney is honest. I have been very lucky. I have Paul Clark as my attorney, an Ex-Marine, who is virtually working ProBono - at less than 5% of what other attorneys charge. 59. This is the reality facing all Americans - the number one threat to every child, to every parent is - the child predator family court industry. 60. Evil injustice, crime corruption, cruelty, inhumanity - does not stay within the confines of one department or organization, it spreads very rapidly into all branches of the government and outside the government. It is the same in Civil Court, Real Estate Court, Criminal Court, etc. It will rapidly spread to all branches of the government, and certainly some day our freedoms and democracy will be in peril. Without Integrity, what can we protect?61. Being corrupt and evil is mandatory to be a family court judge. A honest judge or a less dishonest judge, would soon be transferred out of family court. To qualify to be in family court, a judge has to prove that he can suck the maximum money out of the litigants pockets - i.e. he can inflict the maximum cruelty on the maximum number of litigants. Same applies to every one working in or working with family courts.62. What I have seen past ten long years is shocking, chilling, appalling! I am at a loss of words! Family court, CPS, DCPP, AG, Supervised Visitation Department, Child Support Enforcement, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists, Lawyers, etc...., everyone is part of the same child predator team - feeding off the blood tears, sweat and toil of the litigants. Children become collateral damage. Children and victim parents are scarred and traumatized for life. This is not humanity, this is not the act of a human being? 63. Amazing thing is -- Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists, Lawyers, etc., don't need to be bribed. Several thousands of dollars of illegal, fraudulent business activity, business revenues being generated out of thin air, -- that is incredible reward! Judges can be rewarded through innumerable ingenious ways. There is no way that any person can ever find out. 64. Here is simple proof of how real this problem is: Every member in this child predator industry, after reading this - is either pretending that this serious situation does not exist, or, will retaliate against me. 65. I am looking for one - just one honest person in government who is the true son of the soil, the true daughter of the soil, whose parents dared to raise a honest humane human being, who has the courage to take on this challenge head-on!66. Our family courts are destroying America one child at a time, one parent at a time. How can we build a great nation, if we are breaking every child, every parent who steps into the family court.67. A victim parent can be a security guard or a scientist. Imagine how much his work will suffer? And imagine how much each child suffers? Many never recover fully. For many the damage is permanent - there is no Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.68. Some people, sadly, are born disabled. Millions are made disabled for life, by our inhumane, evil, brutally cruel - Child Predator Family Court. 69. This is deeply concerning, that Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists - now work to destroy mental health! Past 10 years I have not met a single Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Therapist - about who I can say - he is 100% honest. And I have met well over a dozen of them. Every Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists - is terrified of Judges, that if they give a honest report then the Judge will not give them "business".70. In a family court, our Constitution and our Laws have been flushed down the toilet. The Judge is the Constitution! The Judge is the Law! This is terrifying!71. How children are being kidnapped and psychologically murdered? A typical pattern is like this:-- A false alarm is raised by a therapist/psychologist. A rogue parent is encouraged to lie - make a false accusation. Based on the false alarm and absolute lies, the child is taken away from the loving parent (victim parent). After that supervised visits are ordered using private supervisors - outside of court. Victim parent has to pay upto $150/hour to see his own children. Therapy and psychological evaluations are ordered, costing in many cases over $50,000. Victim parent has to pay the psychologist upto $400/hour, the bill running into tens of thousands of dollars. For every positive evaluation obtained by the victim parent, the rogue parent/lawyer obtains a false evaluation. Months pass by, years pass by. The children are in survival mode. They know they have lost one parent and they have to please the rogue parent to survive. Complex behavioral changes take place and children are psychologically brainwashed and murdered, totally reprogrammed - i.e. all their love for the victim parent is often flushed out forever. 72. Millions of children and parents go through this trauma for years. Everyone suffers from PTSD, depression, etc. 73. The typical situation of a victim parent is -- shell shocked, traumatized; suffering from depression, PTSD; bankrupt, broke, jobless, health destroyed irreparably, credit rating destroyed - cannot even buy a car, homeless (moves in with his girl friend or aged parents), jailed for non payment of child support (some even beaten up), driver license taken away, passport taken away, etc. 74. I know a 71-year-old father, who is virtually bankrupt, broke, scarred, and -- still taking care of, nursing and parenting his 31-year-old son. His 31-year-old son is suffering from PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, etc. His son trusts no one! Due to mental health challenges, he cannot keep his job. This 31-year-old young man has a right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness! He was robbed of his precious God given opportunity by Judge Gregory Acquiviva in Family Court. We have one life, one earth! We have one chance at life! For millions, this is destroyed forever by our brutally evil, cruel, family court child predator industry.75. Take the case of Ginger Gentile a filmmaker who directed the 2020 documentary "Erasing Family." She is the former executive director of the National Parents Organization. 25 long years have passed and she admits she has not recovered from the trauma the family courts put her through when her parents divorced.76. What I am independently writing and stating, is all there and even more, in the movie - The Divorce Corp - available on YouTube and Netflix. Here is what is written on YouTube about this movie:-
More money flows through the family courts, and into the hands of courthouse insiders, than in all other court systems in America combined – over $50 billion a year and growing. Through extensive research and interviews with the nation’s top divorce lawyers, mediators, judges, politicians, litigants and journalists, DIVORCE CORP. uncovers how children are torn from their homes, unlicensed custody evaluators extort money, and abusive judges play god with people’s lives while enriching their friends. This explosive documentary reveals the family courts as unregulated, extra-constitutional fiefdoms. Rather than assist victims of domestic crimes, these courts often precipitate them. And rather than help parents and children move on, as they are mandated to do, these courts - and their associates - drag out cases for years, sometimes decades, ultimately resulting in a rash of social ills, including home foreclosure, bankruptcy, suicide and violence. Solutions to the crisis are sought out in countries where divorce is handled in a more holistic manner.
77. There are dozens of books on Amazon - narrating horror stories of the bone chilling evil, injustice, crime and corruption in family courts. Here are a few: (a) The Worst Interests of the Child: The Trafficking of Children and Parents Through U.S. Family Courts by Keith Harmon.
"Keith Harmon Snow's meticulously documented investigation into sex-trafficking of children by American judges is not to be missed. This scandal is one of the most important censored stories in our country today. I might not believe what Mr. Snow has written if I had not independently investigated two dozen cases not discussed in his article, and found ample evidence of the precise dynamics he lays out for us here. Anyone who says they care about child welfare needs to learn what is happening in family courts and take action until it is stopped. Once you start reading this exposé, you won't be able to put it down." - Lundy Bancroft Author of Why Does He Do That? History's largest-selling book on domestic violence.
(b) Bullied to Death: Chris Mackney's Kafkaesque Divorce - by Michael Volpe.
On December 29, 2013, Chris Mackney sat alone in his parked car, put a shot gun underneath his chin and blew his head off. It was the tragic end to a near six year custody battle which saw him penniless, homeless, jobless, with no access to his children, and taunted and threatened with jail: all at the behest of his ex-wife and her father.Let us pause and think about the trauma his children will live with, life long.
(c) Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services. by Carlos Moraes
Child Protective Services Whistleblower, Carlos Morales, exposes the dangerous tactics and overt corruption that he witnessed as a CPS investigator. Through keen insight, analysis, war stories, and interviews with attorneys & judges, Carlos Morales speaks truth to power in this shocking book. Unlike anything ever published, he breaks down exactly what families should do to protect themselves from this monolithic agency that has destroyed the lives of children & parents.
(d) Not In the Child's Best Interest: How Divorce Courts get it all Wrong and How the Constitution can fix it – by Ron B Palmer, Sherry L Palmer(e) Protecting Parent-Child Bonds: The 28th Amendment - by Ron B Palmer. Sherry L Palmer.(f) Fighting CPS: Guilty Until Proven Innocent of Child Protective Services Charges - by Deborah K. Frontiera.(g) Defending the Innocent from Child Protective Services by Derek Bootle MS. MBA.(h) Oath Breakers: Lies Family Courts Tell– by Ron B Palmer
(i) JUDICIAL CRIMINALS The greatest fraud upon American society America's Legal System – by Christine Morrison. www.JudicialCriminal.com
JUDICIAL CRIMINALS is a story of depraved, pathological minds using thuggery, weaponry, and unthinkable brutality to obtain selfish, illegal, and antisocial goals. It is a story of a uniquely American criminal conspiracy that even the mafia would envy. This is the story of the current tyrannical state of the American judicial system, how it has evolved itself into one of the most heinous, pernicious, and harmful criminal organizations in American history—and how those who comprise it— American judges—literally get away with murder. My story focuses on participants in modern American litigation, including me (Christine Morrison) and my captors and tormentors—American robed tyrants known as judges. I share the experience within this “systemic criminal enterprise” operated according to the craven desires of the “family law in dustry,”—yes—an industry. The industry is populated by “specialist” lawyers, judges, social workers, psychologists, cops, and their parasitic cadre of extortionists, fraudsters, and malingerers—whose business model is identical to that of the mafia—use power, influence, fear, and intimidation to deplete the core of America—it’s young families—by manipulation of the machinery of American family courts. The thuggery is topped by community leaders, highly educated, well-known, and influential, yet mysteriously robed, skillful, and quiet: American judges. Further description: www.judicialcriminal.com
(j) Dismantling Family Court Corruption: Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough – by Maryann Petri. www.DismantlingFamilyCourtCorruption.com.
Family Court has become highly profitable business. In courtrooms across this nation, children are being torn away and isolated from their father or mother as they become pawns in a game designed to keep parent’s fighting, and money flowing. Today, a narcissistic, abusive parent can easily use the “justice system” to punish, torment and alienate the target parent. CPS workers frequently use their power to enable such abuse, as their opinions are treated as scientific conclusions during trials where the alienated parent finds his or herself disparaged and maligned without evidence to back up such attacks other than the observations of these case workers. Maryann Petri’s story is a critical example revealing the truth about Family Court corruption. It is a must-read for anyone going through such legal oppression, both to validate their suffering and to provide tools with which to fight back, as Maryann teaches what she has learned. Dismantling Family Court Corruption: Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough tells the story of Maryann’s journey, providing essential “Takeaways” throughout which conveys to the reader the wisdom she gained which can empower them to be stronger, more resilient and more successful in the midst of their own Family Court battles. As a Pro Se, Maryann has a better record than most attorneys, winning two cases in Superior Court. Dismantling Family Court Corruption is also an essential book to demonstrate how easily and effectively Family Law professionals are able to exploit the contention of parents, and proves the utter lack of oversight to prevent such abuse. Maryann’s story is not unique; she is one of thousands whose tragedies have brought to the forefront the new psychological term: Parental Alienation. While painful to read, Maryann’s story is fast-paced and provides many moments of humor and hope as she recounts courtroom experiences and what it was like being sent to jail, a real-life debtor’s prison. Sitting in the holding cell, she used the acoustics of the cement walls to ring with beautiful music that even the guards stopped to admire. At only pages, it is an approachable book which can serve as one of the most important resources for raising awareness and starting conversations about Family Law Corruption and the reality of Parental Alienation. Maryann observes, “Although my story is ultimately tragic, as I lost my children to the beastly system, I can find purpose and meaning in what I have gone through. I hope that my book will serve to indict the system which broke (figuratively and financially) and damaged my family so that changes will be made to prevent such false accusations, extortion and persecution in the future.”Maryann Petri is a first-hand-experience, leading expert on the issue of Family Court corruption. She is at the forefront of the movement to stop this abuse and has a website, blog and podcast which can be found at www.DismantlingFamilyCourtCorruption.com.
78. (a) Kirsten C Church-Fauquet -- On 06/12/15, DCF (CPS) took away her 5 little children and placed them in foster care. In foster care all 5 were traumatized having been ripped off from their mom and dad. After that for a year or two she had visitation with her kids. During one visit she noticed one child had broken bones and burn marks. Past 3 years she has not met 2 of them and she is not told where they are. Since June 2015, she has been fighting in courts - state and federal.(b) Take the case of Robert Garza. Fighting for over 11 long years for his dear life i.e. his children, numerous false allegations, trial yet to begin, over $500,000 he has already spent, small business owner who has lost his business and has started a GoFundMe page. Please listen to his 10 minute video - A Dad's Fight For His Kids: 11 Year Custody Battle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9f7aLIttoo
79. Take the case of 55-year-old father Joe - shell shocked, traumatized, suffering from PTSD and Depression - living one day at a time; bankrupt and broke; homeless (his million dollar home and properties taken away from him). Luckily he has parents, he moved in with his elderly parents who live solely on social security. 80. Joe's story is an absolute horror story! He has not seen his three children since July 2012! Every day he wakes up, hoping he will hear a knock on the door, hear the phone ring and it will be his children.81. Joe worked as CPA earning well over a million dollars a year. His wife Maria worked and earned about $100,000 a year. In 1994 after birth of a child, she quit her job and jointly managed the couples investments.82. In 2010, due to health reasons Joe took early retirement. In July 2012 his wife Maria filed for divorce. In 2016, final divorce judgement, out of 13 million dollars in assets - Maria was given 12 million and Joe was given only 1 million - and this too was taken away against spousal support and child support owed. His spousal support of $80,000 per month and child support of $10,000 per month is based on imputed income of 1.25 million dollars per year. Where as he is retired since 2010, he is not working since 2010, he is 100% disabled since 2012, he receives $2800 per month in SSDI benefits and of this the State of New Jersey has been garnishing / levying approximately $1800 per month. Maria's attorney's have made over 2 million dollars. Joe was represented by his counsel for about two years and after spending $500,000, he has been ProSe.
83. Every human being must earn his living by the sweat of his brow. Man and Woman - both are equal. Even in the military, women have fought for equality. But in family court the first thing a woman litigant is told by everyone is - you are not equal, and since the lady benefits financially, she willingly accepts that she is "inferior". There is no self-respect, the lady does not dare say - "I will earn my living with the sweat of my brow!"84. Lets consider this scenario: I am a male. I am working and earning $30,000 a year. I marry a millionaire lady - who earns $1 million every year. I quit my job, take care of the home. After 5 years I file for divorce. I deserve spousal support of max $30,000 a year and, for a duration of max 2 years or less and, I must make sincere efforts to find a job and earn my living myself ASAP.
85. With great religious zeal, missionary zeal everyone fights for "Child Support". And with the same religious zeal everyone fights to deny the child, the victim parent's love and care. Non payment of Child Support is considered the biggest sin, biggest crime; and denying the child the love and care of the victim parent - that is okay! Clearly this does not make any human sense.86. Divorce is like death in the family. For a child, divorce is profoundly traumatic. And then the family court child predator industry digs its fangs in and takes the trauma to a whole new level.
87. Considering that divorce is so traumatic, it is extremely important that everyone involved with divorce industry and family courts - is 100% honest and humane; has empathy and does everything to reduce the trauma for all involved. The number one cause of trauma is -- losing children, and for children -- losing a parent.88. What is unique about my case? I am a victim of a horrendous marriage fraud. This is a case of a bold, daring, bone chilling, horrendous - Immigration Fraud, Marriage Fraud and Child Abuse. Yet my children and I have been put though a never ending meat grinder.89. In May 2003, I met Alina Myronova in Kharkov, Ukraine. Alina was 19 years old, Viktoriya Myronova was 41 years old. Alina was in college and Viktoriya was working as an accountant.
90. In May 2003, Viktoriya and Alina hatched a plot, to use me to come to come to America. It was part of this plot that Alina will act as my girlfriend/fiancée/wife. Once on US soil, their goal was to get their green card from my business SpaceAge and leave as soon as they got their green cards. While they waited for their green cards, they saw an incredible opportunity to embezzle, steal money and unjustly enrich themselves. As soon as Alina got her green card, she filed for divorce on 2/24/2011.
91. Right from the day Alina and Viktoriya arrived in US, to the time Alina filed for divorce (a) Together they stole every penny they could lay their hands on - from marital assets and my business. (b) Alina transferred every penny of her earnings to her mother. (c) They unjustly enriched themselves in every way possible, (d) From my business SpaceAge, Alina and Viktoriya had me pay them salaries over three times what they were worth. (e) Alina stole as much as she could from marital assets and rental account (investment properties), and transferred it to her mother. (f) Alina lived for free - she contributed $0.00 to rent, groceries, etc., - absolutely $0.00. Viktoriya too virtually spent $0.00. (g) Together they stole and unjustly enriched themselves with well over $600,000.
92. Family Courts are the best and safest places for criminals to hide. As long as the criminal has marriage certificate and birth certificate of children, the entire family court industry works very hard to protect her. There is lot of money to be made from this.93. The evil, injustice, crime and corruption I endured at the hands of Alina and Viktoriya is a mere drop in the bucket, as compared to what my children and I have been enduring in Family Courts since 2/24/2011. I cannot think of any other place on earth, any other department of government where we will find more evil, inhumanity, cruelty, crime and corruption. 94. As in every case, in my case, the ten year and ongoing litigation could have been stopped at several levels - (a) First at Litigants Level - in Feb 2011, I asked Alina for 50-50 parenting time and custody. If Alina had agreed, trial would have been over in 2012. (b) Second at - Attorney Level. Attorneys representing Alina have made well over 4 million dollars and counting. And considering Alina's endless list of crimes, her attorneys are in control. Alina is not in control. I have emailed Alina extremely generous settlement offers 3 times, even offering her half a million dollars, and her attorneys will not let Alina settle. (c) Third at the Court Room Level. The buck stops here (in the courtroom)! Every Judge since 2/24/2011, could see Alina is a FRAUD, but every Judge pretended he cannot see.95. What drives crime and corruption? Normally in every organization - government or private business, plain and simple - greed drives crime and corruption. People want money! Crime and corruption spreads like wild fire, like a pandemic into all branches of the government and outside -- in all places. Since everyone is on the same team, everyone aids and abets each other, everyone covers up each other. 96. Add to this in America we have Social Security Act Title IV-D Section 458 and several laws related to collection of child support (pardon me if I am misquoting, the fact is that we have such laws).97. Laws should bring out the best in human character. Social Security Act Title IV-D brings out the worst in human character. Normally in every country, greed drives crime and corruption. But in America we have Social Security Act Title IV-D: (somewhere in this act, as per this act) For every dollar the State Government collects in child support, the federal government pays a matching incentive to the state government. 98. Essentially this law incentivizes taking children away from a loving parent. This is legalized Kidnapping! Clearly Social Security Act Title IV-D Section 458 is Un-Constitutional. For example, every year, State of New Jersey collects about $10 million dollars in this Child Predator Bonus / Child Predator Incentive. There is no incentive to catch rapists and murderers!99. If both mother and father have 50-50 parenting time, then (a) Child support is $0.00, (b) Federal bonus/incentive to state government is $0.00, (c) Litigation costs and time is reduced by over 95% - this impacts lawyers, psychologists, therapists, etc. "Child Predator Law was enacted so as Law Firms/Lawyers can make big money!” Big law firms lobbied to make the congress pass these laws. Majority of congressmen and senators are “lawyers”.100. As a result of Child Predator Law, now, if a victim complains to the attorney general, the AG does nothing, since he wants the State to earn the maximum in Child Predator Bonus. Child Predator Law provides complete, total, bullet proof protection to all criminals in family courts, hence now they all have taken their crimes to a level that is limited only by their personal abilities. On 9/12/2017, I have watched in horror as Judge David Katz kidnapped my children in brad daylight right in front of my eyes. 101. Kindly please know, I do not use any term, terminology, accusation, etc., without having clear and convincing evidence to back it up.102. The Media, Judges, family court lawyers, psychologists, therapists – everyone calls it – “high conflict divorce, bitter custody battle.” -- Every thing is whipped up by the child predator Mafia gang and then they blame it on the couple - “high conflict divorce, bitter custody battle.” 103. Every human conflict is the same - every conflict has one or more human beings on each side. Divorce is no different. Imagine two individuals or two gangs fighting on the street -- we have our government to stop this - police, courts, lawyers, judges, etc. In family court every body is making lot of money off this human trauma, hence they whip up litigation multiyear and then pretend they have the brain of a 2-year-old and blame it on the litigants - “high conflict divorce, bitter custody battle.”104. Whether it is divorce, or any gang fight on the street, the law enforcement has to step in and resolve the dispute quick and fast. In family courts, lawyers like Pashman Stein, Tracy Julian, Robert Kornitzer -- take control of their client (litigant) - and right from day one -- dig their fangs in, take charge, and from then on, they are in control, they are in the driving seat. The litigant has very little control. Judges like David Katz, Donald Kessler, Therapist Kristen Luzzi-Odorisio, Psychologist Dr. Paul Dasher, etc., they all work as a team to steer the case into a multiyear multi-million-dollar litigation. The trauma inflicted on human beings - litigants is profound. This is not the act of a human being! 105. Laws should bring out the best in human character, not the worst. Social Security Act Title IV-D turns every human being into a child predator - Judges like David B Katz, Lawyers like Pashman Stein, Tracy Julian; Therapists like Kristen Luzzi-Odorisio, Psychologists like Dr. Paul Dasher, etc. 106. Think -- what is the recruitment process, selection criteria, hiring process for joining a mafia gang. Same is now true for joining family courts, supervised visitation department, child protection services, psychologists, therapists, etc. 107. Childhood trauma effects children for life long. Childhood trauma destroys lives! We can never raise a great human being, a great family, a great company, a great nation like this! 108. Terrorists, ISIS, Al-Qaeda,…, -- they all want to destroy America! Family court Judges like Judge David B Katz are terrorizing and destroying America – one child at a time, one parent at a time! Several thousands of children and parents are going through gut wrenching trauma. Terrorists, ISIS, Al-Qaeda,…, will NOT succeed in destroying America, Judges like Judge David B Katz WILL!109. Child Predator Law (Security Act Title IV-D) will go down in human history as one of the most insanely evil law, which will make a civilized nation “Self Destruct”.110. Social Security Act Title IV-D which incentivises kidnapping of children – is one of the most evil, cruel, self-destructive piece of legislation in Human History. Already Judges enjoyed incredible protection and then here comes Social Security Act Title IV-D after which now everyone in this child predator industry enjoy absolute total protection! Under such protection everyone in the child predator industry has taken – evil, injustice, cruelty, crime and corruption to a whole new level – to a level that is as terrifying as living in North Korea or in a Nazi Germany Concentration Camp.111. Two Categories of Criminals: Just as in Biology we classify all living beings. We can classify criminals into two groups – (a) Criminals who are Rich and Powerful. (b) Criminals who are Poor and Uneducated.112. Barring exceptions, Criminals who are Poor and Uneducated – mostly commit violent crimes, they break into your house, they steal, they mug you on the streets, sell drugs, etc.113. Criminals who are Rich and Powerful mostly commit nonviolent crimes. These people are in government and outside government – everyone working as a team. In fact those in government use those outside, as pawns – so when caught, all blame is put on them and the government pretends that it did nothing wrong. Child Predator family courts and CPS – is an excellent example of the insane levels of crime and corruption by the rich and powerful – in government and outside government.114. The Rich and Powerful Criminals FEAR the Poor and Violent Criminals. Hence the entire focus of the Government is on catching and removing them from the streets. And amazingly in doing so again – the Rich and Powerful make money, launder money through sophisticated schemes.115. A poor criminal on the street who snatches $1 from your hands – is arrested and put in prison right away. The rich and powerful criminals who kidnap children, psychologically murder children, steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from government treasury through sophisticated money laundering schemes, steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from innocent litigants, etc., --- they walk free!116. The Rich and Powerful Criminals can get away with monumental levels of crime for years, for decades. Just think how many Judges, Governors, Attorney Generals, Senators, Congressmen, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, etc., have gone to prison? Think, what level of crime they have to do and for how many decades – in order to finally be brought to justice. Contrast this with the poor criminal on the street who snatches $1.00 from your hands and within minutes, is swiftly arrested and sent to prison for months or years.117. Do we have Democracy? We have a government of the Rich and Powerful, for the Rich and Powerful and by the Rich and Powerful. Everything the “Rich and Powerful” do is to protect their clan. They fear the Poor and Violent Criminals because they know it can happen to them. They don’t fear the crimes committed by the Rich and Powerful because they think such crimes will not happen to them.118. In family court there is no democracy, there are no freedoms, there is no constitution, you have no rights- you have no right to see your own children, children have no right to see their parents. When you enter Family Court, it is like you have entered a Black Hole. For how long can this inhumanity go on? 119. Money, Power, Secrecy, Lack of Accountability and then we have Social Security Act Title IV-D. 120. In family courts - lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, preying on children - is a daily way of life. There are so many gaping loopholes. In family court there is no Jury trial. Judge is the Law. Judge can order that the Therapist, Psychologist, Child Protective Services, etc., interview the child and parents. There is no record, there is no recording. Therapist, Psychologist, Child Protective Services can make up anything they want. They easily manipulate the child. I have seen that happen several times. They asked leading questions, they never take down any notes, when the child is saying something that they dont want the child to say - they will cut him off, etc. My children have told me several times (in a sad tone) "daddy, she did not let me speak, she cut me off..." 121. In court, all discussions related to children are classified top secret. All reports by Therapist, Psychologist, Child Protective Services are top secret. All records are sealed. Often Judges just make it all up. In supervised visits the victim parent is not allowed to take any photo or video of his children. Judges kidnap the children and then all the evidence that the Judge claimed he relied on is "sealed". 122. If we file an appeal in Appeals Court, there is a one word reply - "DENIED!" The appeals court does not even bother to explain. You go to Federal Courts - Denied! You appeal to Circuit Court - Denied! File an Ethics Complaint - Denied! You meet the legislator, senator, congressman - no action taken! Social Security Act Title IV-D has added another impregnable layer of defense.123. If we have just one Slave, it will take a revolution to free her. How many of us have the time and money to fight the family court which is backed by the entire government.124. When a litigant arrives in court, he thinks, "finally I will get justice". Just as in any sport or military situation, it is like, imagine some one who has never played any sport, is thrown in to the field to play with one of the top most player in the field. When a litigant enters the court he has zero knowledge of how deep and wide, the evil, injustice, crime and corruption is. His time and money is being drained out as if from a fire hose. He is traumatized - first from divorce and then from losing his children. The trauma effects his ability to function effectively. Contrast this with the Family Court Child Predatory Industry - it is a huge team - Judges, Lawyers, Psychologists, CPS, Therapists, everyone in government up and down, etc. There is abundance of time, money, resources. Everyone has incredible experience, incredible expertise - doing this work, preying on children and parents for several years. They know all the loopholes. They have proven successful strategies and tactics in place. For the victim litigant - every day is as if struck by a lightning bolt. Within few months the victim parent is decimated, crushed, destroyed - traumatized, lost his job, bankrupt, homeless, suffering from PTSD, etc. For the rest of his life, every day he wakes up hoping and praying - "today I will get to see my children, today I will hear a knock on my door, today my phone will ring and it will be my children!" This is the dream he holds on to.125. MK Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Nelson Mandela, etc., they all said - we must disobey unjust laws, we must fight injustice. 126. On 01/27/2020, Judge David B Katz ordered that if I talk about my children on social media, even if I write for my children "I love you" on my facebook page or a post a video on youtube - I will be fined $1000 for 1st offense, and an additional $1000 for each subsequent offense. I have already disobeyed this well over 40 times. I can be fined well over $500,000.00 dollars.127. In early 2020, my son was applying to various private high schools. On 01/30/2020 Judge David B Katz ordered - that if I contact any employee of any private high school in New Jersey I will be fined - "$10,000 for the first violation, and an additional $10,000 for each subsequent violation". In the entire history of human race, is there any one who can make sense of such a fine.128. A farmer sows corn, corn germinates, weeds also germinate. If the farmer does not uproot the weeds in time and if he does not de-weed periodically the weeds increase in number. Who is to be blamed? The weed or the farmer? In our world, good is on the decline and evil on the rise. Who is to be blamed? It is the good which has to be blamed, for he did not help uproot evil in time.129. Evil, Injustice, Inhumanity, total lack of empathy, etc., is like a virus. It does not stay within family court only. It spreads to every branch of the government and outside. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice every where." -- Dr. Martin Luther King.130. "Civilization is created and maintained by the competent few."131. “From among the masses shall rise a few who will take it upon themselves to carry the burden of mankind!”132. There was a time when Earth did not exist. There will be a time when Earth will not exist. We are here on Earth for few years. Let us be kind, compassionate, ethical, moral, just and fair in all we do. A “human being” is defined as a living being who is kind, compassionate, ethical, moral, just and fair.133. Mr. President - millions of children and victim parents are traumatized, crushed. No child should lose a loving parent. Please help!134. Public service places extraordinary demands on your time and health. I pray for your health and success. Think, every night, children and parents go to bed. Every day at least 500 wake up, the child losing one or both parents and the parent losing his (her) child. For how long can this go on?Certification: I certify that the foregoing statements are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.Capt. Surender MalhanPresident and CEO.SpaceAge.www.MeTooChildrensRights.orgwww.facebook.com/surender.malhan.33 www.MeTooChildrensRights.org/self-education-capt-surender-malhanwww.LinkedIn.com/in/Capt-Surender-Malhanwww.facebook.com/SpaceAge1www.facebook.com/CaptSurenderMalhan.ReadingForSelfDevelopmentwww.facebook.com/CaptSurenderMalhanSocialResponsibilitiesHumanBeing
1. Recently we started this group - www.MeTooChildrensRights.org2. Public service places extraordinary demands on your time and health. I pray for your health and success. 3. President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Attorney General Merrick Garland, - if your names ever go down in history, it will be (among many others) for this act, that together, you took on the biggest child predator Mafia in human history. And if ever there was a time, or there will be a time, when this is possible - it is "now" with the three of you. 4. I began writing this letter before Thanksgiving 2020 (26 Nov 2020). I write this on behalf of millions of victims - children and parents, who are enduring "Living Hell on Earth", at the hands of those who took an oath to "Protect and Serve".5. Through this letter I am trying to speak for every child, for every human being's right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. I am speaking for well over 20 million victims in America and well over 200 million all over the world.6. In one of the most civilized nation in the history of our planet, millions of children lose their, once in a life time opportunity, their god given right -- to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, - at the hands of those who took an oath to "Protect and Serve".7. I am writing about the number one risk, the number one threat to every child and family in America.8. I am writing about the biggest Mafia style organized crime gang in the country. So huge, deep and wide spread, that no one dares to even acknowledge it. The simple question is, for how long can we ignore this? No one can dare say, "this evil child predator virus will never effect me, hence I can look the other way!"9. Evil, Injustice, Crime and Corruption does not exist, does not stay confined and contained in a bubble. It spreads extremely rapidly everywhere - in government and outside. This has already spread far and wide. 10. Every human being has an opportunity to "Protect and Serve". 11. Every human being has a moral and legal obligation to "Protect and Serve".12. True and lasting peace, progress, prosperity is built on a foundation of Integrity. We will have true and lasting peace, progress and prosperity, - only if we are Ethical, Moral, Just and Fair in our dealings.13. With every day passing by, our nation, our planet and the human species is faced with ever increasing staggering challenges. 14. Humility is an important virtue. Every human being - even the homeless, deserve love and respect. 15. I was born in 1960. My dad was a Naval Officer. I grew up on a Naval Base in India. I graduated from the National Defense Academy - top military academy such as West Point, USMA. I served in Indian Army for over 11 years and left due to medical reasons. I did my masters from the Indian Institute of Technology, top university such as MIT or Harvard. I came to U.S., in March 1995. In May 1996 I started SpaceAge a software services firm. The business model at SpaceAge combines social work with business. I hire those out of work, train and retrain them in intellectually challenging technologies, and then we provide software development services to our clients such as Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, AIG, Morgan Stanley, Prudential, etc. Past 25 years I have hired and trained hundreds of software engineers - some were ex-professors of computer science, many had Ph.D., in computer science.16. As a 17-year-old, alongside my military career, I began devoting most of my leisure time to social work / community welfare work -- studying and guiding the Mental, Moral, Psychological and Intellectual development of children and adults. This work involved developing human potential, creating an awareness and concern for key challenges facing the human species - degradation of the human mind (moral values) and degradation of the environment (climate change, pollution, population, etc.). I think such work would be done by a Psychologist after having a Ph.D., and how many would actually do such work.17. In my teenage years (1970's), I thought the two biggest challenges facing Earth were (a) our planet's ability to support life, and, (b) the rising human population. 18. By the time I entered my 30's (age) I realized, the number one challenge facing human species is, "greed", -- lust for money and power; lack of integrity, lack of character. All other problems arise from lack of integrity, lack of humanity.19. In the final analysis, this is what a Space traveler will find written on Earth's tombstone - "Greed Destroyed Earth!"20. Every task, every challenge has a level of Importance and Priority. If someone takes away your child, then this is the number one challenge - saving our child!21. I place on your lap a very important challenge, which every one can see, yet pretend they cannot see. We have an opportunity! It can be you, or may be someday, someone will have courage and strength to rise up to this challenge. 22. As we all know (but many fail to translate into our daily life), the ultimate truth, the final truth - some day each one of us, has to leave Earth. Life is full of challenges! There is no reason, why one human being, should harm another human in any way whatsoever.23. Mark Twain summarized the entire history of human race into one single sentence: "Men are born, they make each other suffer, and they die."24. What is worse sin than rape? The answer is -- "betrayal of faith!" 25. We the people, pay taxes. We the people, should have faith in our government. Power and Money are two most powerful corrupting influences on the human soul. 26. The perfect breeding ground for evil, injustice, crime and corruption is a combination of -- Money, Power, Secrecy and lack of Accountability.27. We have group psychology, mass psychology, peer pressure. Even if we have a honest person, after he joins a group, very soon he will change for the good or worse - he will have to become part of the group and, think and act as the group does.28. Sixty years on earth, and especially past ten years I have seen with my eyes, one organization that can every easily become corrupt, evil and inhuman is -- "the government". This always has devastating consequences.29. The number one challenge, every civilized society has, and should address every day, is -- how to keep our government civilized; how to prevent crime and corruption, evil and injustice - in the government. If the government is humane and honest then it is very easy to keep every citizen humane and honest.30. I always try to Think Positive. I try to find Meaning and Purpose. I try to count my Blessings. I hate the sin, not the sinner. I accept that Life is Unfair. I accept that some people will be Evil. But we don't accept turning a blind eye to evil and injustice! We have a moral and legal duty to "Protect and Serve!" We all have a moral and legal duty, not to turn a blind eye to evil and injustice.31. We have to leave our world in a better state materially and morally than what it was when we arrived. The only living species that can set such a goal and work towards it, is the Human Species.32. We have a very serious problem which is growing every day. Our family courts have become the ultimate torture chambers and the most powerful child predators. Our family courts are one of the most evil, most cruel places on Earth. Sickeningly inhuman! Absolute ZERO Empathy! The cruelty inflicted is to a level that many qualify to be called Narcissistic Psychopaths!33. It is horrifyingly scary to see such lack of Empathy, as was displayed by Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, North Korean Dictators, etc. 34. In America, the number one threat to every child and parent is "family court". The number one predator that a parent has to protect his children from, is "family court and everyone involved with family courts".35. A family court is a place where a child will lose one or both parent, and a parent will lose his child; and one or both parents will be driven bankrupt, broke and homeless. Victims will be scarred, traumatized and stay broken for the rest of their lives - shell shocked trying to wrap their hands around - "how on earth did my government, those who took the oath to protect and serve, do this to me and to my innocent, helpless children!"36. Greed drives all this evil! Lawyers, psychologists, therapists, judges and the State illegally pockets millions of dollars -- all illegally stolen from litigants, through abuse of power.37. Vice President Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California took on large banks which offered Predatory Loans. She had courage to call such loans, "Predatory Loans". Vice President Kamala Harris will call the family court industry as -- "Child Predator Industry". All over social media several thousands of people share their gut wrenching traumatic story, how their children were kidnapped and psychologically murdered by a brutally evil Child Predator, Family Court Industry. Some are even calling this the "American Holocaust!" I humbly request let us focus on the incredibly evil, cruel, illegal acts, - not on the terminology. 38. Millions of Children all over America are victims of our Child Predator Family Courts.39. The definitions are very simple, this is not rocket science:-
(a) Kidnapping is - taking any human being away from her loved one against her wish.
(b) A Child Predator is anyone who preys on Children. Predators in Jungle and in the Human world always prey on those who are weak, who cannot defend themselves, who have no voice, who cannot speak for themselves. A Child Predator is anyone who exploits a child, abuses a child, inflicts inhumane levels of emotional and/or physical pain on a child; directly or indirectly causes incredible irreparable harm to a child. In our Family Courts, things are so bad, children are tortured and abused so much, our family courts now qualify to be reclassified as the Child Predator Industry, a Judge's chambers are torture chambers.
(c) Psychological Murder is -- kidnapping the child and then deliberately in a premeditated, well planned manner destroying the poor helpless child's love for her father and teach her to hate her father. To give an analogy - it is like, imagine the human brain is like a computer, the love the child has for her father is a software program. Psychological Murder involves destroying the program - "I Love Daddy Software" - and installing - "hate daddy software".
40. Any adult person can be kidnapped, the level of torture can be stepped up to a level such that the person will refuse to go back to his/her family, criticize and condemn his family and everyone.41. In family courts - every one makes lot of money through kidnapping and psychological murder of children. We see the deadly combination of power, greed, secrecy and absolute total lack of accountability.42. If a mom and dad walk into family court and say, "we earn the same and we agree to 50-50 parenting time, then (a) Child support is $0.00. (b) Lawyers, psychologists, therapists, judges, etc., make no money. (c) The State makes no money (through social security act title IV-D).43. When litigants come and stand in a family court, everyone's eye is on - (a) What assets do the litigants have? (b) What do they work as, what is their earning potential, how much do they make? And then judges, lawyers, psychologists, etc., all work as a well trained team to take charge, take control over the litigants, steer the case in such a direction that (i) Money is sucked out from the litigants pockets, (ii) All assets are sold/dissipated and (iii) The litigants work multiyear, year after year - feeding the feeding frenzy of this predatorial team of judges, psychologists, lawyers, etc. 44. I have seen a Piranha style feeding frenzy. The Piranha at least stops when it reaches the bone, in family court they break the bones and go for the bone marrow too! 45. Child custody, child support is the number one driver; and spousal support and equitable distribution of marital assets is the second. 46. In over 80% of the cases, children are taken away from the father because (a) This is easy to sell - "the father is bad". (b) In every conflict between a man and woman, the sympathy and support, instinctively goes to the lady. 47. The poor dads are beaten dead by an evil, cruel system. Then they call them, "dead beat dads". In 20% of the cases where mom's lose custody and have to pay child support, they too are beaten dead. But the phrase "dead beat mom", does not go well.48. Child Support is important. Parenting time is far more important. All over earth there are millions of single parents raising children without child support because the other parent is no longer on earth. Look at COVID, how many children have lost one or both parents. There is no child support, nor any support from government. The government does not even give the deceased parent's social security and Medicare benefits to the child. 49. When I decide to bring my children into this world, I rely on myself to raise them, not on child support from the other parent. Our courts should hold moms and dads to the same standard.50. In courtroom, lawyers like Tracy Julian from Law firms like Pashman Stein, go on an insane, angry rant demanding child support as if not paying child support, is the ultimate evil on earth. The same attorney, then fights tooth and nail with incredible religious fervor, to deny the child parenting time - deny the child, the love and care of the victim parent. Virtually the entire child support collected and much more, goes into the pocket of lawyers like Tracy Julian as legal fees!51. Child support is the number one way to generate revenues for lawyers, psychologists and the State. Child support award is made possible only through denying the child the love and care of the victim parent. In doing so the child is not being "supported", the child is being harmed - irreparably harmed for life! Child support is the number one, the best way to stir up multi-year litigation. The irreparable harm done to the child and victim parent is immense! Only psychopaths will inflict such incredible cruelty on innocent children and loving parents.52. We have "child financial support" and "child emotional support". Child financial support is maximized by cutting child emotional support down to zero! 53. We have thousands of Judges like Judge David B Katz all over America, who work with lawyers like Tracy Julian preying on poor, helpless, voiceless children.54. Once you are in family court you have no control over your life, the family court owns you. The silent yet deafening message loud and clear to the litigants is, "we will work you to death", i.e. suck out every penny you have earned and make you work for us multiyear. A litigant has no right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. A litigant has no right to any of his assets, current and future earnings and to his children. This is 21st century version of Slavery!55. Insurrection in Family Courts happened decades ago and everyone in government and outside works very hard to keep this as top secret.56. Judges rule from the bench. There is absolute zero accountability. You show the family court Judge an Apple and the Judge will say, "I see Cabbage". 57. There is no justice anywhere - appeals court, federal court, supreme court, ethics committee, attorney general, etc. Every one is in on it in some way shape or form. For the victim parent and child, the Law is absolutely out of reach.58. The litigation goes multiyear, the trauma of losing one's child is unbearable. Very soon, one litigant is bankrupt, can no longer afford an attorney and can no longer fight. Even if the victim parent has an attorney, the chances are one in a million that the attorney is honest. I have been very lucky. I have Paul Clark as my attorney, an Ex-Marine, who is virtually working ProBono - at less than 5% of what other attorneys charge. 59. This is the reality facing all Americans - the number one threat to every child, to every parent is - the child predator family court industry. 60. Evil injustice, crime corruption, cruelty, inhumanity - does not stay within the confines of one department or organization, it spreads very rapidly into all branches of the government and outside the government. It is the same in Civil Court, Real Estate Court, Criminal Court, etc. It will rapidly spread to all branches of the government, and certainly some day our freedoms and democracy will be in peril. Without Integrity, what can we protect?61. Being corrupt and evil is mandatory to be a family court judge. A honest judge or a less dishonest judge, would soon be transferred out of family court. To qualify to be in family court, a judge has to prove that he can suck the maximum money out of the litigants pockets - i.e. he can inflict the maximum cruelty on the maximum number of litigants. Same applies to every one working in or working with family courts.62. What I have seen past ten long years is shocking, chilling, appalling! I am at a loss of words! Family court, CPS, DCPP, AG, Supervised Visitation Department, Child Support Enforcement, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists, Lawyers, etc...., everyone is part of the same child predator team - feeding off the blood tears, sweat and toil of the litigants. Children become collateral damage. Children and victim parents are scarred and traumatized for life. This is not humanity, this is not the act of a human being? 63. Amazing thing is -- Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists, Lawyers, etc., don't need to be bribed. Several thousands of dollars of illegal, fraudulent business activity, business revenues being generated out of thin air, -- that is incredible reward! Judges can be rewarded through innumerable ingenious ways. There is no way that any person can ever find out. 64. Here is simple proof of how real this problem is: Every member in this child predator industry, after reading this - is either pretending that this serious situation does not exist, or, will retaliate against me. 65. I am looking for one - just one honest person in government who is the true son of the soil, the true daughter of the soil, whose parents dared to raise a honest humane human being, who has the courage to take on this challenge head-on!66. Our family courts are destroying America one child at a time, one parent at a time. How can we build a great nation, if we are breaking every child, every parent who steps into the family court.67. A victim parent can be a security guard or a scientist. Imagine how much his work will suffer? And imagine how much each child suffers? Many never recover fully. For many the damage is permanent - there is no Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.68. Some people, sadly, are born disabled. Millions are made disabled for life, by our inhumane, evil, brutally cruel - Child Predator Family Court. 69. This is deeply concerning, that Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists - now work to destroy mental health! Past 10 years I have not met a single Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Therapist - about who I can say - he is 100% honest. And I have met well over a dozen of them. Every Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Therapists - is terrified of Judges, that if they give a honest report then the Judge will not give them "business".70. In a family court, our Constitution and our Laws have been flushed down the toilet. The Judge is the Constitution! The Judge is the Law! This is terrifying!71. How children are being kidnapped and psychologically murdered? A typical pattern is like this:-- A false alarm is raised by a therapist/psychologist. A rogue parent is encouraged to lie - make a false accusation. Based on the false alarm and absolute lies, the child is taken away from the loving parent (victim parent). After that supervised visits are ordered using private supervisors - outside of court. Victim parent has to pay upto $150/hour to see his own children. Therapy and psychological evaluations are ordered, costing in many cases over $50,000. Victim parent has to pay the psychologist upto $400/hour, the bill running into tens of thousands of dollars. For every positive evaluation obtained by the victim parent, the rogue parent/lawyer obtains a false evaluation. Months pass by, years pass by. The children are in survival mode. They know they have lost one parent and they have to please the rogue parent to survive. Complex behavioral changes take place and children are psychologically brainwashed and murdered, totally reprogrammed - i.e. all their love for the victim parent is often flushed out forever. 72. Millions of children and parents go through this trauma for years. Everyone suffers from PTSD, depression, etc. 73. The typical situation of a victim parent is -- shell shocked, traumatized; suffering from depression, PTSD; bankrupt, broke, jobless, health destroyed irreparably, credit rating destroyed - cannot even buy a car, homeless (moves in with his girl friend or aged parents), jailed for non payment of child support (some even beaten up), driver license taken away, passport taken away, etc. 74. I know a 71-year-old father, who is virtually bankrupt, broke, scarred, and -- still taking care of, nursing and parenting his 31-year-old son. His 31-year-old son is suffering from PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, etc. His son trusts no one! Due to mental health challenges, he cannot keep his job. This 31-year-old young man has a right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness! He was robbed of his precious God given opportunity by Judge Gregory Acquiviva in Family Court. We have one life, one earth! We have one chance at life! For millions, this is destroyed forever by our brutally evil, cruel, family court child predator industry.75. Take the case of Ginger Gentile a filmmaker who directed the 2020 documentary "Erasing Family." She is the former executive director of the National Parents Organization. 25 long years have passed and she admits she has not recovered from the trauma the family courts put her through when her parents divorced.76. What I am independently writing and stating, is all there and even more, in the movie - The Divorce Corp - available on YouTube and Netflix. Here is what is written on YouTube about this movie:-
More money flows through the family courts, and into the hands of courthouse insiders, than in all other court systems in America combined – over $50 billion a year and growing. Through extensive research and interviews with the nation’s top divorce lawyers, mediators, judges, politicians, litigants and journalists, DIVORCE CORP. uncovers how children are torn from their homes, unlicensed custody evaluators extort money, and abusive judges play god with people’s lives while enriching their friends. This explosive documentary reveals the family courts as unregulated, extra-constitutional fiefdoms. Rather than assist victims of domestic crimes, these courts often precipitate them. And rather than help parents and children move on, as they are mandated to do, these courts - and their associates - drag out cases for years, sometimes decades, ultimately resulting in a rash of social ills, including home foreclosure, bankruptcy, suicide and violence. Solutions to the crisis are sought out in countries where divorce is handled in a more holistic manner.
77. There are dozens of books on Amazon - narrating horror stories of the bone chilling evil, injustice, crime and corruption in family courts. Here are a few: (a) The Worst Interests of the Child: The Trafficking of Children and Parents Through U.S. Family Courts by Keith Harmon.
"Keith Harmon Snow's meticulously documented investigation into sex-trafficking of children by American judges is not to be missed. This scandal is one of the most important censored stories in our country today. I might not believe what Mr. Snow has written if I had not independently investigated two dozen cases not discussed in his article, and found ample evidence of the precise dynamics he lays out for us here. Anyone who says they care about child welfare needs to learn what is happening in family courts and take action until it is stopped. Once you start reading this exposé, you won't be able to put it down." - Lundy Bancroft Author of Why Does He Do That? History's largest-selling book on domestic violence.
(b) Bullied to Death: Chris Mackney's Kafkaesque Divorce - by Michael Volpe.
On December 29, 2013, Chris Mackney sat alone in his parked car, put a shot gun underneath his chin and blew his head off. It was the tragic end to a near six year custody battle which saw him penniless, homeless, jobless, with no access to his children, and taunted and threatened with jail: all at the behest of his ex-wife and her father.Let us pause and think about the trauma his children will live with, life long.
(c) Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services. by Carlos Moraes
Child Protective Services Whistleblower, Carlos Morales, exposes the dangerous tactics and overt corruption that he witnessed as a CPS investigator. Through keen insight, analysis, war stories, and interviews with attorneys & judges, Carlos Morales speaks truth to power in this shocking book. Unlike anything ever published, he breaks down exactly what families should do to protect themselves from this monolithic agency that has destroyed the lives of children & parents.
(d) Not In the Child's Best Interest: How Divorce Courts get it all Wrong and How the Constitution can fix it – by Ron B Palmer, Sherry L Palmer(e) Protecting Parent-Child Bonds: The 28th Amendment - by Ron B Palmer. Sherry L Palmer.(f) Fighting CPS: Guilty Until Proven Innocent of Child Protective Services Charges - by Deborah K. Frontiera.(g) Defending the Innocent from Child Protective Services by Derek Bootle MS. MBA.(h) Oath Breakers: Lies Family Courts Tell– by Ron B Palmer
(i) JUDICIAL CRIMINALS The greatest fraud upon American society America's Legal System – by Christine Morrison. www.JudicialCriminal.com
JUDICIAL CRIMINALS is a story of depraved, pathological minds using thuggery, weaponry, and unthinkable brutality to obtain selfish, illegal, and antisocial goals. It is a story of a uniquely American criminal conspiracy that even the mafia would envy. This is the story of the current tyrannical state of the American judicial system, how it has evolved itself into one of the most heinous, pernicious, and harmful criminal organizations in American history—and how those who comprise it— American judges—literally get away with murder. My story focuses on participants in modern American litigation, including me (Christine Morrison) and my captors and tormentors—American robed tyrants known as judges. I share the experience within this “systemic criminal enterprise” operated according to the craven desires of the “family law in dustry,”—yes—an industry. The industry is populated by “specialist” lawyers, judges, social workers, psychologists, cops, and their parasitic cadre of extortionists, fraudsters, and malingerers—whose business model is identical to that of the mafia—use power, influence, fear, and intimidation to deplete the core of America—it’s young families—by manipulation of the machinery of American family courts. The thuggery is topped by community leaders, highly educated, well-known, and influential, yet mysteriously robed, skillful, and quiet: American judges. Further description: www.judicialcriminal.com
(j) Dismantling Family Court Corruption: Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough – by Maryann Petri. www.DismantlingFamilyCourtCorruption.com.
Family Court has become highly profitable business. In courtrooms across this nation, children are being torn away and isolated from their father or mother as they become pawns in a game designed to keep parent’s fighting, and money flowing. Today, a narcissistic, abusive parent can easily use the “justice system” to punish, torment and alienate the target parent. CPS workers frequently use their power to enable such abuse, as their opinions are treated as scientific conclusions during trials where the alienated parent finds his or herself disparaged and maligned without evidence to back up such attacks other than the observations of these case workers. Maryann Petri’s story is a critical example revealing the truth about Family Court corruption. It is a must-read for anyone going through such legal oppression, both to validate their suffering and to provide tools with which to fight back, as Maryann teaches what she has learned. Dismantling Family Court Corruption: Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough tells the story of Maryann’s journey, providing essential “Takeaways” throughout which conveys to the reader the wisdom she gained which can empower them to be stronger, more resilient and more successful in the midst of their own Family Court battles. As a Pro Se, Maryann has a better record than most attorneys, winning two cases in Superior Court. Dismantling Family Court Corruption is also an essential book to demonstrate how easily and effectively Family Law professionals are able to exploit the contention of parents, and proves the utter lack of oversight to prevent such abuse. Maryann’s story is not unique; she is one of thousands whose tragedies have brought to the forefront the new psychological term: Parental Alienation. While painful to read, Maryann’s story is fast-paced and provides many moments of humor and hope as she recounts courtroom experiences and what it was like being sent to jail, a real-life debtor’s prison. Sitting in the holding cell, she used the acoustics of the cement walls to ring with beautiful music that even the guards stopped to admire. At only pages, it is an approachable book which can serve as one of the most important resources for raising awareness and starting conversations about Family Law Corruption and the reality of Parental Alienation. Maryann observes, “Although my story is ultimately tragic, as I lost my children to the beastly system, I can find purpose and meaning in what I have gone through. I hope that my book will serve to indict the system which broke (figuratively and financially) and damaged my family so that changes will be made to prevent such false accusations, extortion and persecution in the future.”Maryann Petri is a first-hand-experience, leading expert on the issue of Family Court corruption. She is at the forefront of the movement to stop this abuse and has a website, blog and podcast which can be found at www.DismantlingFamilyCourtCorruption.com.
78. (a) Kirsten C Church-Fauquet -- On 06/12/15, DCF (CPS) took away her 5 little children and placed them in foster care. In foster care all 5 were traumatized having been ripped off from their mom and dad. After that for a year or two she had visitation with her kids. During one visit she noticed one child had broken bones and burn marks. Past 3 years she has not met 2 of them and she is not told where they are. Since June 2015, she has been fighting in courts - state and federal.(b) Take the case of Robert Garza. Fighting for over 11 long years for his dear life i.e. his children, numerous false allegations, trial yet to begin, over $500,000 he has already spent, small business owner who has lost his business and has started a GoFundMe page. Please listen to his 10 minute video - A Dad's Fight For His Kids: 11 Year Custody Battle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9f7aLIttoo
79. Take the case of 55-year-old father Joe - shell shocked, traumatized, suffering from PTSD and Depression - living one day at a time; bankrupt and broke; homeless (his million dollar home and properties taken away from him). Luckily he has parents, he moved in with his elderly parents who live solely on social security. 80. Joe's story is an absolute horror story! He has not seen his three children since July 2012! Every day he wakes up, hoping he will hear a knock on the door, hear the phone ring and it will be his children.81. Joe worked as CPA earning well over a million dollars a year. His wife Maria worked and earned about $100,000 a year. In 1994 after birth of a child, she quit her job and jointly managed the couples investments.82. In 2010, due to health reasons Joe took early retirement. In July 2012 his wife Maria filed for divorce. In 2016, final divorce judgement, out of 13 million dollars in assets - Maria was given 12 million and Joe was given only 1 million - and this too was taken away against spousal support and child support owed. His spousal support of $80,000 per month and child support of $10,000 per month is based on imputed income of 1.25 million dollars per year. Where as he is retired since 2010, he is not working since 2010, he is 100% disabled since 2012, he receives $2800 per month in SSDI benefits and of this the State of New Jersey has been garnishing / levying approximately $1800 per month. Maria's attorney's have made over 2 million dollars. Joe was represented by his counsel for about two years and after spending $500,000, he has been ProSe.
83. Every human being must earn his living by the sweat of his brow. Man and Woman - both are equal. Even in the military, women have fought for equality. But in family court the first thing a woman litigant is told by everyone is - you are not equal, and since the lady benefits financially, she willingly accepts that she is "inferior". There is no self-respect, the lady does not dare say - "I will earn my living with the sweat of my brow!"84. Lets consider this scenario: I am a male. I am working and earning $30,000 a year. I marry a millionaire lady - who earns $1 million every year. I quit my job, take care of the home. After 5 years I file for divorce. I deserve spousal support of max $30,000 a year and, for a duration of max 2 years or less and, I must make sincere efforts to find a job and earn my living myself ASAP.
85. With great religious zeal, missionary zeal everyone fights for "Child Support". And with the same religious zeal everyone fights to deny the child, the victim parent's love and care. Non payment of Child Support is considered the biggest sin, biggest crime; and denying the child the love and care of the victim parent - that is okay! Clearly this does not make any human sense.86. Divorce is like death in the family. For a child, divorce is profoundly traumatic. And then the family court child predator industry digs its fangs in and takes the trauma to a whole new level.
87. Considering that divorce is so traumatic, it is extremely important that everyone involved with divorce industry and family courts - is 100% honest and humane; has empathy and does everything to reduce the trauma for all involved. The number one cause of trauma is -- losing children, and for children -- losing a parent.88. What is unique about my case? I am a victim of a horrendous marriage fraud. This is a case of a bold, daring, bone chilling, horrendous - Immigration Fraud, Marriage Fraud and Child Abuse. Yet my children and I have been put though a never ending meat grinder.89. In May 2003, I met Alina Myronova in Kharkov, Ukraine. Alina was 19 years old, Viktoriya Myronova was 41 years old. Alina was in college and Viktoriya was working as an accountant.
90. In May 2003, Viktoriya and Alina hatched a plot, to use me to come to come to America. It was part of this plot that Alina will act as my girlfriend/fiancée/wife. Once on US soil, their goal was to get their green card from my business SpaceAge and leave as soon as they got their green cards. While they waited for their green cards, they saw an incredible opportunity to embezzle, steal money and unjustly enrich themselves. As soon as Alina got her green card, she filed for divorce on 2/24/2011.
91. Right from the day Alina and Viktoriya arrived in US, to the time Alina filed for divorce (a) Together they stole every penny they could lay their hands on - from marital assets and my business. (b) Alina transferred every penny of her earnings to her mother. (c) They unjustly enriched themselves in every way possible, (d) From my business SpaceAge, Alina and Viktoriya had me pay them salaries over three times what they were worth. (e) Alina stole as much as she could from marital assets and rental account (investment properties), and transferred it to her mother. (f) Alina lived for free - she contributed $0.00 to rent, groceries, etc., - absolutely $0.00. Viktoriya too virtually spent $0.00. (g) Together they stole and unjustly enriched themselves with well over $600,000.
92. Family Courts are the best and safest places for criminals to hide. As long as the criminal has marriage certificate and birth certificate of children, the entire family court industry works very hard to protect her. There is lot of money to be made from this.93. The evil, injustice, crime and corruption I endured at the hands of Alina and Viktoriya is a mere drop in the bucket, as compared to what my children and I have been enduring in Family Courts since 2/24/2011. I cannot think of any other place on earth, any other department of government where we will find more evil, inhumanity, cruelty, crime and corruption. 94. As in every case, in my case, the ten year and ongoing litigation could have been stopped at several levels - (a) First at Litigants Level - in Feb 2011, I asked Alina for 50-50 parenting time and custody. If Alina had agreed, trial would have been over in 2012. (b) Second at - Attorney Level. Attorneys representing Alina have made well over 4 million dollars and counting. And considering Alina's endless list of crimes, her attorneys are in control. Alina is not in control. I have emailed Alina extremely generous settlement offers 3 times, even offering her half a million dollars, and her attorneys will not let Alina settle. (c) Third at the Court Room Level. The buck stops here (in the courtroom)! Every Judge since 2/24/2011, could see Alina is a FRAUD, but every Judge pretended he cannot see.95. What drives crime and corruption? Normally in every organization - government or private business, plain and simple - greed drives crime and corruption. People want money! Crime and corruption spreads like wild fire, like a pandemic into all branches of the government and outside -- in all places. Since everyone is on the same team, everyone aids and abets each other, everyone covers up each other. 96. Add to this in America we have Social Security Act Title IV-D Section 458 and several laws related to collection of child support (pardon me if I am misquoting, the fact is that we have such laws).97. Laws should bring out the best in human character. Social Security Act Title IV-D brings out the worst in human character. Normally in every country, greed drives crime and corruption. But in America we have Social Security Act Title IV-D: (somewhere in this act, as per this act) For every dollar the State Government collects in child support, the federal government pays a matching incentive to the state government. 98. Essentially this law incentivizes taking children away from a loving parent. This is legalized Kidnapping! Clearly Social Security Act Title IV-D Section 458 is Un-Constitutional. For example, every year, State of New Jersey collects about $10 million dollars in this Child Predator Bonus / Child Predator Incentive. There is no incentive to catch rapists and murderers!99. If both mother and father have 50-50 parenting time, then (a) Child support is $0.00, (b) Federal bonus/incentive to state government is $0.00, (c) Litigation costs and time is reduced by over 95% - this impacts lawyers, psychologists, therapists, etc. "Child Predator Law was enacted so as Law Firms/Lawyers can make big money!” Big law firms lobbied to make the congress pass these laws. Majority of congressmen and senators are “lawyers”.100. As a result of Child Predator Law, now, if a victim complains to the attorney general, the AG does nothing, since he wants the State to earn the maximum in Child Predator Bonus. Child Predator Law provides complete, total, bullet proof protection to all criminals in family courts, hence now they all have taken their crimes to a level that is limited only by their personal abilities. On 9/12/2017, I have watched in horror as Judge David Katz kidnapped my children in brad daylight right in front of my eyes. 101. Kindly please know, I do not use any term, terminology, accusation, etc., without having clear and convincing evidence to back it up.102. The Media, Judges, family court lawyers, psychologists, therapists – everyone calls it – “high conflict divorce, bitter custody battle.” -- Every thing is whipped up by the child predator Mafia gang and then they blame it on the couple - “high conflict divorce, bitter custody battle.” 103. Every human conflict is the same - every conflict has one or more human beings on each side. Divorce is no different. Imagine two individuals or two gangs fighting on the street -- we have our government to stop this - police, courts, lawyers, judges, etc. In family court every body is making lot of money off this human trauma, hence they whip up litigation multiyear and then pretend they have the brain of a 2-year-old and blame it on the litigants - “high conflict divorce, bitter custody battle.”104. Whether it is divorce, or any gang fight on the street, the law enforcement has to step in and resolve the dispute quick and fast. In family courts, lawyers like Pashman Stein, Tracy Julian, Robert Kornitzer -- take control of their client (litigant) - and right from day one -- dig their fangs in, take charge, and from then on, they are in control, they are in the driving seat. The litigant has very little control. Judges like David Katz, Donald Kessler, Therapist Kristen Luzzi-Odorisio, Psychologist Dr. Paul Dasher, etc., they all work as a team to steer the case into a multiyear multi-million-dollar litigation. The trauma inflicted on human beings - litigants is profound. This is not the act of a human being! 105. Laws should bring out the best in human character, not the worst. Social Security Act Title IV-D turns every human being into a child predator - Judges like David B Katz, Lawyers like Pashman Stein, Tracy Julian; Therapists like Kristen Luzzi-Odorisio, Psychologists like Dr. Paul Dasher, etc. 106. Think -- what is the recruitment process, selection criteria, hiring process for joining a mafia gang. Same is now true for joining family courts, supervised visitation department, child protection services, psychologists, therapists, etc. 107. Childhood trauma effects children for life long. Childhood trauma destroys lives! We can never raise a great human being, a great family, a great company, a great nation like this! 108. Terrorists, ISIS, Al-Qaeda,…, -- they all want to destroy America! Family court Judges like Judge David B Katz are terrorizing and destroying America – one child at a time, one parent at a time! Several thousands of children and parents are going through gut wrenching trauma. Terrorists, ISIS, Al-Qaeda,…, will NOT succeed in destroying America, Judges like Judge David B Katz WILL!109. Child Predator Law (Security Act Title IV-D) will go down in human history as one of the most insanely evil law, which will make a civilized nation “Self Destruct”.110. Social Security Act Title IV-D which incentivises kidnapping of children – is one of the most evil, cruel, self-destructive piece of legislation in Human History. Already Judges enjoyed incredible protection and then here comes Social Security Act Title IV-D after which now everyone in this child predator industry enjoy absolute total protection! Under such protection everyone in the child predator industry has taken – evil, injustice, cruelty, crime and corruption to a whole new level – to a level that is as terrifying as living in North Korea or in a Nazi Germany Concentration Camp.111. Two Categories of Criminals: Just as in Biology we classify all living beings. We can classify criminals into two groups – (a) Criminals who are Rich and Powerful. (b) Criminals who are Poor and Uneducated.112. Barring exceptions, Criminals who are Poor and Uneducated – mostly commit violent crimes, they break into your house, they steal, they mug you on the streets, sell drugs, etc.113. Criminals who are Rich and Powerful mostly commit nonviolent crimes. These people are in government and outside government – everyone working as a team. In fact those in government use those outside, as pawns – so when caught, all blame is put on them and the government pretends that it did nothing wrong. Child Predator family courts and CPS – is an excellent example of the insane levels of crime and corruption by the rich and powerful – in government and outside government.114. The Rich and Powerful Criminals FEAR the Poor and Violent Criminals. Hence the entire focus of the Government is on catching and removing them from the streets. And amazingly in doing so again – the Rich and Powerful make money, launder money through sophisticated schemes.115. A poor criminal on the street who snatches $1 from your hands – is arrested and put in prison right away. The rich and powerful criminals who kidnap children, psychologically murder children, steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from government treasury through sophisticated money laundering schemes, steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from innocent litigants, etc., --- they walk free!116. The Rich and Powerful Criminals can get away with monumental levels of crime for years, for decades. Just think how many Judges, Governors, Attorney Generals, Senators, Congressmen, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, etc., have gone to prison? Think, what level of crime they have to do and for how many decades – in order to finally be brought to justice. Contrast this with the poor criminal on the street who snatches $1.00 from your hands and within minutes, is swiftly arrested and sent to prison for months or years.117. Do we have Democracy? We have a government of the Rich and Powerful, for the Rich and Powerful and by the Rich and Powerful. Everything the “Rich and Powerful” do is to protect their clan. They fear the Poor and Violent Criminals because they know it can happen to them. They don’t fear the crimes committed by the Rich and Powerful because they think such crimes will not happen to them.118. In family court there is no democracy, there are no freedoms, there is no constitution, you have no rights- you have no right to see your own children, children have no right to see their parents. When you enter Family Court, it is like you have entered a Black Hole. For how long can this inhumanity go on? 119. Money, Power, Secrecy, Lack of Accountability and then we have Social Security Act Title IV-D. 120. In family courts - lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, preying on children - is a daily way of life. There are so many gaping loopholes. In family court there is no Jury trial. Judge is the Law. Judge can order that the Therapist, Psychologist, Child Protective Services, etc., interview the child and parents. There is no record, there is no recording. Therapist, Psychologist, Child Protective Services can make up anything they want. They easily manipulate the child. I have seen that happen several times. They asked leading questions, they never take down any notes, when the child is saying something that they dont want the child to say - they will cut him off, etc. My children have told me several times (in a sad tone) "daddy, she did not let me speak, she cut me off..." 121. In court, all discussions related to children are classified top secret. All reports by Therapist, Psychologist, Child Protective Services are top secret. All records are sealed. Often Judges just make it all up. In supervised visits the victim parent is not allowed to take any photo or video of his children. Judges kidnap the children and then all the evidence that the Judge claimed he relied on is "sealed". 122. If we file an appeal in Appeals Court, there is a one word reply - "DENIED!" The appeals court does not even bother to explain. You go to Federal Courts - Denied! You appeal to Circuit Court - Denied! File an Ethics Complaint - Denied! You meet the legislator, senator, congressman - no action taken! Social Security Act Title IV-D has added another impregnable layer of defense.123. If we have just one Slave, it will take a revolution to free her. How many of us have the time and money to fight the family court which is backed by the entire government.124. When a litigant arrives in court, he thinks, "finally I will get justice". Just as in any sport or military situation, it is like, imagine some one who has never played any sport, is thrown in to the field to play with one of the top most player in the field. When a litigant enters the court he has zero knowledge of how deep and wide, the evil, injustice, crime and corruption is. His time and money is being drained out as if from a fire hose. He is traumatized - first from divorce and then from losing his children. The trauma effects his ability to function effectively. Contrast this with the Family Court Child Predatory Industry - it is a huge team - Judges, Lawyers, Psychologists, CPS, Therapists, everyone in government up and down, etc. There is abundance of time, money, resources. Everyone has incredible experience, incredible expertise - doing this work, preying on children and parents for several years. They know all the loopholes. They have proven successful strategies and tactics in place. For the victim litigant - every day is as if struck by a lightning bolt. Within few months the victim parent is decimated, crushed, destroyed - traumatized, lost his job, bankrupt, homeless, suffering from PTSD, etc. For the rest of his life, every day he wakes up hoping and praying - "today I will get to see my children, today I will hear a knock on my door, today my phone will ring and it will be my children!" This is the dream he holds on to.125. MK Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Nelson Mandela, etc., they all said - we must disobey unjust laws, we must fight injustice. 126. On 01/27/2020, Judge David B Katz ordered that if I talk about my children on social media, even if I write for my children "I love you" on my facebook page or a post a video on youtube - I will be fined $1000 for 1st offense, and an additional $1000 for each subsequent offense. I have already disobeyed this well over 40 times. I can be fined well over $500,000.00 dollars.127. In early 2020, my son was applying to various private high schools. On 01/30/2020 Judge David B Katz ordered - that if I contact any employee of any private high school in New Jersey I will be fined - "$10,000 for the first violation, and an additional $10,000 for each subsequent violation". In the entire history of human race, is there any one who can make sense of such a fine.128. A farmer sows corn, corn germinates, weeds also germinate. If the farmer does not uproot the weeds in time and if he does not de-weed periodically the weeds increase in number. Who is to be blamed? The weed or the farmer? In our world, good is on the decline and evil on the rise. Who is to be blamed? It is the good which has to be blamed, for he did not help uproot evil in time.129. Evil, Injustice, Inhumanity, total lack of empathy, etc., is like a virus. It does not stay within family court only. It spreads to every branch of the government and outside. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice every where." -- Dr. Martin Luther King.130. "Civilization is created and maintained by the competent few."131. “From among the masses shall rise a few who will take it upon themselves to carry the burden of mankind!”132. There was a time when Earth did not exist. There will be a time when Earth will not exist. We are here on Earth for few years. Let us be kind, compassionate, ethical, moral, just and fair in all we do. A “human being” is defined as a living being who is kind, compassionate, ethical, moral, just and fair.133. Mr. President - millions of children and victim parents are traumatized, crushed. No child should lose a loving parent. Please help!134. Public service places extraordinary demands on your time and health. I pray for your health and success. Think, every night, children and parents go to bed. Every day at least 500 wake up, the child losing one or both parents and the parent losing his (her) child. For how long can this go on?Certification: I certify that the foregoing statements are true. I am aware that if any of the foregoing statements made by me are willfully false, I am subject to punishment.Capt. Surender MalhanPresident and CEO.SpaceAge.www.MeTooChildrensRights.orgwww.facebook.com/surender.malhan.33 www.MeTooChildrensRights.org/self-education-capt-surender-malhanwww.LinkedIn.com/in/Capt-Surender-Malhanwww.facebook.com/SpaceAge1www.facebook.com/CaptSurenderMalhan.ReadingForSelfDevelopmentwww.facebook.com/CaptSurenderMalhanSocialResponsibilitiesHumanBeing